Der Entspannende - Entspannen bei Wandern, Genuss und Kultur aus Rheinhessen, dem magischen Land der tausend Hügel.

Blogroll: Hawaii

Des is zimlisch weit weg.
Kalalau Lookout (Kauai)
Kalalau Lookout (Kauai)

Meine Blogroll zu Hawaii. Eine alte Tradition, die mir wie vielen in den Wirren der Geschichte abhanden kam: Anderen Stoff zum Stöbern, Lesen und Nachdenken geben. Enthält nicht nur Blogs sondern auch Links zu generellen Seiten.

Vorsicht: Enthält Spuren von Fernweh!

Blogroll: Eine Liste mit Links zu anderen Blogs (oder ähnlichen Websites), die ich selber lese und/oder die zu Themen dieses Blogs passen. Blogrolls sind einerseits eine Möglichkeit der Vernetzung unter Bloggern, andererseits geben sie Lesern Anregungen zu Blogs, die über gleiche oder ähnliche Themen schreiben.

Wenn ich auf ein Blog stoße, dass auf eine meiner Blogrolls (Rheinhessen, Wandern, Hawaii) passt, dann trage ich das Blog entsprechend ein. Und vielleicht gefällt es mir so gut, dass ich es auch abonniere (beispielsweise mit RSS oder per Newsletter). Alle paar Monate überarbeite ich meine Blogrolls. Dabei entferne ich Blogs, die seit längerem inaktiv sind, die sich thematisch verändert haben, oder die eingestellt wurden.

Allgemeine Informationen

Websites mit allgemeinen Informationen über Hawaii:

A Maui Blog – Talking Story and Sharing Aloha

Liza Pierce is what they call a “Kama’aina”. She’s have been living on Maui since 1994 and considers Maui as her home.

A Maui Blog is a web log created to promote Maui’s beautiful island, unique culture and aloha spirit. I This mission is fulfilled byby talking story online.I invite everyone to join me in my passion to promote Maui by leaving comments on the blog and by sharing the posts about Maui by liking us on facebook, and tweeting about us on twitter, etc.

FLUX Hawaii

FLUX Hawaii is a quarterly lifestyle magazine for the socially conscious, forward-thinking demographic that features the latest in local arts and culture, as well as the social issues that establish and perpetuate our islands’ sense of place

Go Visit Hawaii – Hawaii Travel Guide & Vacation Advice

Sheila and Andy are „bainlander“ but it seems they are Hawaii-addicted too ?

At Go Visit Hawaii, you’ll find unbiased advice that will help you stretch your Hawaii vacation budget while creating memories for a lifetime with articles written by Sheila Beal — a seasoned Hawaii travel expert. Andy Beal provides the photos and video tours.

Hawaii Aloha Travel

A licensed Travel Agency located in Honolulu, with news and tips about traveling to and in Hawaii. Owners are Yaling Yu Fisher, native of Taiwan, and Bruce Fisher, originally from Miami Beach.

Hawaii Blog – Blogging the Aloha State and Beyond

Ryan Ozawa (blogging since July 7th, 2000),

a father, husband, and web geek in paradise tackles tech, the social web, new media, and more.

Hōkūleʻa – Polynesian Voyaging Society

Founded on a legacy of Pacific Ocean exploration, the Polynesian Voyaging Society seeks to perpetuate the art and science of traditional Polynesian voyaging and the spirit of exploration through experiential educational programs that inspire students and their communities to respect and care for themselves, each other, and their natural and cultural environments.

Living in Hawaii

Peter Kay:

I love Hawaii so much and have decades of experience to share with you all. I’ve been running a small business since the 80’s here and have gone through many economic ups and downs and still here to write about it.

Maui Goodness

Local Opinions & News from Residents of Maui, Hawaii


Maui’s Best source for News Information and Entertainment. Local Maui and Hawaii news, arts and entertainment features, weekly restaurant reviews, live music and club info, and listings on over 100 events happening on Maui every day.

Pearl Harbor Blog

Das Blog des Pacific Aviation Museum auf Ford Island.



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